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Turkey Eggs

**Contains essential elements which is important for body building ** Pasture turkey eggs are very rich in vitamins, especially (k and E) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, as well as selenium) which contributes to strengthening the body's immunity, increasing the activity and regulating thyroid hormones, contains antioxidants (diaxathin, choline and luthin) which help to strengthening concentration and contributing in fighting all kinds of cancers, raising the level of memory and the state of mind, increase visual strength and prevent any complications of sight and eye and maintain retinal cells, it also contains unsaturated fats that contribute to giving the body energy and energy and activity, a high percentage of protein which helps in building muscles and maintain skin freshness, reduce the appearance of signs of aging and stimulating collagen as well as amino acids that reduce depression, anxiety and its symptoms, changing in mood and its instability, and helping to lose weight because it contains few calories. **Our products are non GMO, free of the residues of medicines and antibiotics, feeding on natural herbs, cultured grains and animal waste-free plant feed, reared in vast land under the sun and free air**